Years 1 to 6 at Citipointe

Students enjoy an integrated Christian education that develops their character, thinking and learning for life.

As a transition to the wider College from the separate Prep World, Year 1 students learn and play in their own precinct, the John and Kay Gagliardi Year 1 Centre.

Flourishing character

We teach our students Bible-based character traits—such as kindness, respect and honesty—and these help each child to be a good friend to their peers.

We know friendship doesn’t always come easily, and so our Friendship Tree is just one of the ways we help students to meet new friends.

Every lunch hour, if a child is feeling lonely, they can sit on the bench under the tree and one of our student volunteers will immediately spend time with them.

Learning support and extension

Every child learns in their own way and their learning journey presents challenges and opportunities. .

We offer exceptional programs to students who need learning support or extension.

We challenge and extend our youngest high-ability students through specialist STEM-based programs, particularly Maths. From Years 4 to 6, our renowned ASPIRE program extends children in English, Geography and History.

Older extension students are invited to enter co-curricular national competitions such as the Da Vinci Tournament and Tournament of Minds.

In learning support, we follow a range of strategies to help students to develop their literacy and numeracy skills.

These are tailored to each student’s needs and can include in-classroom support, curriculum modifications and a small group lesson outside of the classroom each week.

“Every year, my daughter has been paired with a teacher who really has helped her excel and achieve in the way that she needs.”

—Primary parent


As your child grows through Primary School so, too, does their enjoyment of creativity.

Through Citipointe’s Academy of the Arts, students can join bands and choirs, embrace speech and drama, and learn to dance.

We also have a beginner string program specifically for young learners in Year 3, and a beginner band program in Year 5, which is part of the curriculum.


Primary students enjoy health and physical education lessons every week.

From Prep to Year 3, students grow and develop their gross motor skills through activities such as athletics and ball games. In the warmer months, they enjoy swimming lessons.

From Year 4, weekly Friday afternoon sport provides an additional emphasis on game play and athletic performance. Teamwork and tactics are learned through regular district competitions.


Citipointe has a dedicated tutoring academy for Primary students, staffed after school by Citipointe teachers, alumni and tutors and includes English as an Additional Language.

Any student who wants additional support can access the Academy on a fee-for-service basis for topics including mastering subject content, increasing grades, managing time and study skills, and improving their English language abilities.

International Academic Competitions

In 2019, one of our Primary teams won the state and national finals of the Tech Girls Movement’s Search for the Next Tech Girl Superhero Competition. The winners won an immersive trip to the USA, visiting organisations such as Google and meeting scientists from NASA.


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